Organization Name: OPENonline, LLC
Product or Implementation: OPENonline
Date Certified: 2018-05-02
Specification(s) Certified Against: BackgroundCheck.xsd
Package(s): 2007-04-15 (2_5)
Use of specification:

OPENonline implements HR Open Standards Consortium’s BackgroundCheck.xsd and BackgroundReports.xsd with no extensions. The services have been designed and developed utilizing MS .net technology standards; Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), implemented using SOAP, REST, and WCF.

OPENonline accepts requests in HR-XML format from a client’s preferred ATS (Application Tracking System) and Human Resource system. The OPENonline’s response is processed using a web service, converted to a HR-XML compliant Background Report and sent to the requesting ATS or HR system. This seamless integration allows customers to perform background checks on potential and existing hires.


More Information: http://www.openonline.com

OPENonline is a powerful business-to-business employment screening and investigative research tool that delivers valuable information about applicants, consumers and corporations to thousands of companies and professionals across America. The national public records and proprietary information available through OPENonline’s flexible, user-friendly web-based search and delivery system gives businesses the power they need to validate reported information and uncover unknown facts quickly and easily, any time the need arises.

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