We simplify HR integrations.
GLOBAL STANDARDS COMMUNITYFounded in 1999, the HR Open Standards Consortium is the only independent, non-profit, volunteer-led organization dedicated to the development and promotion of a standard suite of specifications to enable human-resource-related data exchanges.
VISIONGlobal adoption of HR Open Standards through broad collaboration. MISSIONHR Open provides the place where industry leaders collaborate to enable innovation. VALUESOpen Standards: Participation ensures your company’s HR technology needs are addressed. Allows a focus on solution differentiation instead of vendor lock-in. Networking & Alliances: Provides an environment to collaborate with like-minded colleagues of different skill sets and job functions. Creates opportunities to work with top-level management across the industry to form business alliances. Engagement & Expertise: Access, insight, and input into best practices and technology direction and the opportunity to participate in all aspects. Level Playing Field: All organizations, regardless of size, have access to the same resources and can bring perspectives to the table. Resource Utilization: Saves research and development time, investment, and human capital compared to custom implementation. GET TO KNOW HR OPENHR Open Standards has 3 slide shows providing an overview of HR Open and our development process. Please feel free to download any of the slide shows for your use.
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