Why We Need a Skills Data Standard

Posted By: James Elder Blog, Presentations,

A call to action for the future of work

Skills are the currency of the labor market. They are what employers look for, what workers offer, and what education and training providers deliver. But how do we define, measure, and communicate skills in a consistent and meaningful way? How do we ensure that the skills data we use is accurate, relevant, and interoperable?

The answer is a skills data standard. A skills data standard is a set of rules and specifications that govern how skills information is structured, represented, and exchanged. It is a common language that enables different systems and stakeholders to understand and use skills data effectively. A skills data standard can help us achieve the following benefits:

  • Improve the quality and transparency of skills data. A skills data standard ensures that the skills data we collect and share is valid, reliable, and comparable. It can also help to avoid duplication, inconsistency, and ambiguity in skills data.

  • Enhance the interoperability and usability of skills data. A skills data standard enables different systems and platforms to exchange and integrate skills data seamlessly. It can also help us access and analyze skills data from multiple sources and formats.

  • Empower the users and providers of skills data. A skills data standard helps employers, workers, educators, and policymakers make better decisions based on skills data. It can also help them communicate their skills needs, offerings, and outcomes more clearly and effectively.

A skills data standard is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is a flexible and adaptable framework that can accommodate different contexts, domains, and purposes. It is also a collaborative and evolving process that requires the input and feedback of various stakeholders and experts. That is why we need your support and participation to make it happen.

Join us in our mission to create a skills data standard for the future of work. Visit our website HR Open Standards | HR Open to learn more about developing a skills data standard for HCM platforms, Learning eXperience Platforms (LxP), Talent Management Systems (TMS), and skill assessments and assessment platforms. We are proposing a collaborative workgroup with other HR & learning systems standards bodies.  Share your thoughts and ideas on how we can create a skills data standard. Together, we can make skills data work for everyone.

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